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100mm Cattleya Orchid Seedling (Sc. Beaufort 'Big Circle' x C. walkeriana 'SVO Whopper' AM/AOS)

Regular price $18.00

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Hybrid seedling plant in a 100mm pot.

Near flowering size.

Slc. Lana Coryell

The flowers of Lana Coryell range in colour from pink to yellow with a soft pink overlay. The lips are mostly yellow, some with a pink margin. They are well-rounded with flat petals, and the substance is heavy making for an attractive combination.  The plants are small growing and bloom twice a year. I have been working on remaking this for some time now and with this remake Beaufort was the pot parent, I can hardly wait to see how the pod parent will influence the results. Excellent potential for a great result.

Imported Seedling from Sunset Valley Orchids, USA. Picture shows the parent of this cross. The above description was written by Fred Clarke and details the expectation of this hybrid.

For information on growing Cattleyas check out our growing page at http://barritaorchids.com/pages/growers-resource-page